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The Connected Mom Life

Dec 27, 2023

It’s that weird week between Christmas and New Year’s where time has no meaning and I'm not really even sure what day it is. This is also one of my favorite weeks to sneak away for an hour and enjoy some hot coffee, quiet, and do some good old reflection. So in this episode, I’m sharing the 5 reflection questions...

Nov 27, 2023

With the holidays around the corner, I wanted to share my favorite gifts to give to all the people in my life – from neighbors, to coworkers, to teachers, to party hosts, to close family and friends. Listen in to gain inspiration for gift-giving ideas that are consumable, functional, personal, and can fit...

Nov 2, 2023

The holidays are a lot of things. They’re fun, stressful, full-of-wonder, intense, and everything in-between. But a few years ago, I found myself feeling more of the stressful and anxiety-inducing parts than the full-of-wonder parts and knew that something had to change. Since then, I’ve experimented with...

Oct 11, 2023

Popping in with a short and sweet update on the pod!



New Year, Slightly Adjusted Goals (+ My Word of the Year Dilemma)


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Sep 11, 2023

The start of a new season is often an opportunity to reset, shake old patterns, and invest in some new things. But being prone to an all-or-nothing approach, I knew I wanted this transition to look a bit different this year. So, in an effort to not do a complete 180 from summer to fall, I adopted a mantra. It’s been...