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The Connected Mom Life

Sep 28, 2020

We know we need connection. But when we have it, why do we often feel like something is still missing? It’s because we need multiple types of connections in our life to feel like we have a true village of support. In this episode, I’m breaking down each type of connection every mom needs (and why!) so you can...

Sep 21, 2020

When it comes to friendship, work is usually the last place we look. But maybe, it should be our first. In this episode, I’m joined by the author of the Business of Friendship, Shasta Nelson to talk about all things relationships at work. From the myths holding many of us back from making friends at work to what to do...

Sep 15, 2020

Oh Covid. You’ve really put a damper on connecting with friends. But with some creativity, it is still possible to make new friends and strengthen others in this pandemic season. In this episode, I’m going to give you the 5 steps I’ve been using to navigate making new friends, strengthening friendships, and...

Sep 8, 2020

If you’re not making friends online in 2020…what are you waiting for!? The online world is ready and waiting to offer specific support and community for nearly any season of life. In this episode, Ingrid Read from Working Momkind shares how she created her own online community when she found herself in need...

Sep 1, 2020

I don’t know about you, but before I become a parent, I had ALL THE ANSWERS. And now that I am one, let’s just say I have far fewer opinions on anything parenting related, with one exception. I honestly wish I had received this piece of parenting advice sooner because it has been a game changer. It has saved my...